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What is a business?

What is a business?

Most of the companies initially, a small business, once belonging to a person or a partnership. The most common type of business when there are multiple owners is a corporation. The law considers a society as a real, live person. In adulthood, a corporation is treated as a separate and independent, person who has the rights and responsibilities. A company "birth certificate" is the legal form that is filed with the Secretary of the State in which the company is created or saved. It must be a legal name, as a person.

A society is distinct from the owners. He is responsible for its own debts. The Bank cannot come after the shareholders if a company goes bankrupt.

A company owned by share of subsidies to people who invest money in the business. This property actions are documented by the certificates of shares, that is the name of the owner and the number of sharing its property. the company keep a register or list of how much everyone shares. Business owners are called shareholders because they are issued by the own company shares. A share of stock is a unit of belonging. How an action is dependent on the total number of shares which publishes company. actions more from business, small percentage of the total of own funds by action represents.

Actions come in different classes of stock. Preference shareholders each year a quantity of cash dividends promised. Common shareholders are most exposed to this vulnerability. If a company is in financial difficulty ends, it must first of all to its obligation to pay off the coast. If there is no money left over, then this money goes firstly to the preferred shareholders. If something is left over after that, this money will be divided between the common shareholders.

What is a business? - Internet Business Online News


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